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Any copy of the Information which is downloaded or printed for private study, research, criticism or review, must not be republished on the Internet or in any other form. Such information must not be changed and no part of any copyright notice attaching to the Information may be removed.
The AMI, its employees, representatives and associates provide the Information as general information. The AMI, its employees, representatives and associates do not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, accuracy, correctness, reliability, usability, or any other aspect, of the Information nor of Information provided by others to the AMI and presented on this website, nor of material provided by others and accessed from this site using links or connections to their websites. The user accepts sole responsibility and all risk for using the Information. The AMI does not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever which may arise as a result of using this web site or any of the Information.

Third Party Sites
Links to third party sites appear on this website. The AMI does not control and is not responsible for the content of these sites. The links are provided solely for your convenience and do not indicate, expressly or implied, any endorsement of the sites or the products or services provided by these third-party sites.
You access those sites and use their products and services solely at your own risk. If you access other content or services from third-party sites, the AMI will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of such dealings.
General Events Terms and Conditions
- All prices are inclusive of GST.
- Behaviour: AMI reserves the right to prohibit entry of any person to an AMI event, or eject any person from an AMI event based on behaviour deemed inappropriate by AMI staff and/or its agents and others working under its authority.
- Canvassing by delegates is strictly prohibited at AMI events and forums. Promotional materials may not be distributed at the event/forum except by event sponsors. Delegates violating this policy will be asked to leave the event and AMI members may have their membership revoked.
- Image release: In registering for AMI events and conferences, delegates grant permission to AMI, its agents and others working under its authority, to take and to have full and free use of video/photographs containing their image/likeness. It is understood these images may be used for promotional, news, online/multimedia, research and/or educational purposes by and for AMI. Delegates agree that they are not entitled to remuneration, residuals, royalties or any other payment from AMI in respect of their image/likeness or its use. Delegates release, discharge, and hold harmless, AMI and its agents from any and all claims, demands or causes of actions that they may hereafter have by reason of anything contained in the photographs or video. Should a delegate not agree to the above image release, they must advise AMI by contacting (02) 8256 1650 or
- Invoices: When you complete and sign your copy of the registration form, this becomes a tax invoice in compliance with ATO requirements. This can be used to make payment by Electronic Funds Transfer, Credit Card, or cheque and you can keep this completed form on file for your tax records.
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): If paying via EFT, a completed copy of the registration form along with a remittance advice is needed in order for the registration to be processed by AMI. Payment by EFT will not be accepted after the registration closing date. Your registration is not confirmed until you have received a receipt and confirmation email from AMI.
- Payment: To avoid disappointment, ensure you pay for your booking(s) before the registration closing date. Anyone that has not received a confirmation email will not be on the event attendance list and therefore will not be admitted to the event.
- Program: AMI reserves the right to change the program at any time. Every effort will be made to ensure a program of an equivalent standard.
- Registration Notice: AMI member registration rates are not transferable to non-AMI members. By selecting a member registration rate, it is agreed that the registrant is a current financial member of AMI and that the registration is made in the AMI member’s name only. A breach of this may result in a cancellation of an event registration and/or AMI membership
- Registration and Payment: Payment in full is required by the event date in order to attend.
- Sharing registrations: One registration may not be utilised by several individuals. For larger events group registration discounts and 1-day registration, options are provided
- Substitutions: Should a registrant be unable to attend, they may send one substitute in their place. AMI must be notified of all substitutions prior to the event.
- Privacy Notice: AMI is concerned with the protection of your privacy. We support the privacy principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), as amended. AMI collects and stores your personal information for the purposes of providing membership services, education and training programs. Here is how your data may be used:Communication from AMI: AMI may use your details to promote products and services in the form of email communications and/or other types of communication. Email if you would prefer not to receive communications from AMI. For the purposes of the event: Your details will be provided to parties directly related to the conference including the conference registration manager, venues and accommodation providers for the purpose of room bookings, catering needs and other conference options.
- Communication from 3rd parties: Event sponsors and exhibitors may be provided with delegate details following the event. If you wish to opt out please contact to opt out. View AMI’s privacy policy.
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