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July, 2024

Environment Victoria, Comms Declare follow up Masterchef Australia’s gas sponsorship criciticisms with report alleging industry’s detrimental impact on energy users

Environment Victoria and Comms Declare is continuing its fight against Australia’s energy sector, releasing a new report titled alleging the gas industry is working against the interests of energy users. It comes as YouGov commissioned research shows nearly three in four voters supporting health warnings on gas appliances and 63% want eco labels on appliance advertising.

The ‘A Pipeline of Profits’ report alleges the Australian gas industry is working against the interests of Victorian energy users, claiming that the industry is resisting attempts to add transparency and regulation to its operations, to the detriment of consumers’ health and the climate. The report also alleges gas industry lobbying groups have resisted government efforts to provide consumers with greater transparency and lower costs through energy rating systems.

The report comes as a YouGov poll commissioned by Comms Declare found 73% of voters support health warnings on gas appliances and 63% want eco labels on appliance advertisements.

The report also highlights the health impacts of exposing Australian families to naked gas flames, including studies showing gas cooktops can increase the risk of child asthma by 42%. The report accuses the gas industry of spinning dubious claims and actively resisting attempts to regulate its industry.

The report’s release was timed to come out just after the 2024 season of Masterchef wrapped up, a season which saw a partnership between Network 10 and Australian Gas Networks (AGN) take centre stage on screen. As reported by Mi3, the two-year partnership saw the MasterChef kitchen fitted out with renewable gas-powered cook tops – “embedding carbon neutral energy right into the heart of our production”, per Paramount sales chief Rod Prosser.

The positioning saw Comms Declare threaten to put in a formal complaint to Australian regulators, arguing it represented a false narrative. Environment Victoria’s Climate Campaign Manager, Joy Toose, also labelled the MasterChef integration as “only helping to greenwash the gas industry and create a false impression that biomethane and hydrogen are good replacements for methane gas”.

“Consumers are crying out for clear information on how to save money, protect their health and reduce emissions – and they want that information online where they make their purchasing decisions,” said Belinda Noble, Founder of Comms Declare. “We call on the state and federal governments to give consumers the real truth about the risks of gas appliances, by mandating comprehensive pollution labels on all their ads and websites.”

Dr Kat Lucas-Healey, Senior Climate and Energy Adviser at Environment Victoria, criticised the gas lobby for their delay tactics. “The gas lobby has been spinning delay tactics for decades and it’s time to call them out. With gas appliances out of our homes, our health, bank accounts and climate we’ll all be better off,” she said.

Dr Lucas-Healey also criticised the MasterChef sponsorship as a cynical tactic to keep Australians tied to gas. “The MasterChef sponsorship is just the latest in a long line of cynical tactics to keep Australians shackled to gas. The truth is that the days of cheap gas are long gone. It’s time to electrify and enjoy lower bills and healthier homes – not wait for �renewable gas� fantasies that will never arrive.”

The Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association of Australia (GAMAA), Australian Gas Networks (AGN), the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) and the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) are named as groups working against the environmental, health and financial interests of Victorian consumers.