AMI Member Spotlight: Jade Coote

My career
- Jade Coote – 34 years. Current role – Somfy Oceania Marketing Manager
- I started working in a junior role in the Somfy Oceania marketing team after having recently completed my undergraduate studies at university, so it was a great way to get a taste for all things marketing related in both the B2B and B2C space
- I fell pregnant with my (now 6 year old) son and took some time off when he was born. I returned on a part time basis, and worked my way up, while studying my Masters in Business (Marketing) where I graduated with Distinction and won the Dean’s Medal for being in the top 2% of my cohort. I went on to become Marketing Executive and Marketing Communications Manager, to where I am today as Marketing Manager for Somfy Oceania and a key member of the senior leadership team in our business
- Somfy is the leading global manufacturer of intelligent, quiet motors, electronic controls and home automation solutions for interior and exterior window coverings.
What motivates me
- I am in an industry that is booming with thanks to the introduction of the internet of things and smart technology. The possibilities are endless and as this technology becomes mainstream and affordable for the average home owner we have the opportunity to make a real difference to the quality of people’s lives – both at home and at work, via connected window furnishing solutions
- I am thrilled about the thought that one day, in the not too distant future, motorised window furnishings will be the standard (not an option) for all Australian homes, just like electric windows in cars are now standard and the thought of purchasing a new vehicle without this feature is not fathomable – however with this, comes the obligation to ensure we meet the expectations of this market and why it is so important for me, as a marketer and leader in our business to be open to taking on new opportunities and challenges, and be more mindful in my approach to these to grow the awareness of motorisation
- It is refreshing to work in a business that encourages new ways of thinking, a supportive, open culture and continual learning and development where we celebrate and reward success. This is the type of environment in which I thrive and why I enjoy my role so much. I was fortunate to receive a part scholarship from AMI and my employer sponsored the remaining amount
- Today’s end user is demanding a better experience throughout their journey, and rightly so. My job is to ensure our partners and our end users are granted this seamless experience throughout every step of their journey and deliver on our brand promise to provide peace of mind.
What the scholarship and the WLA course means to you
- I feel the importance of continuing professional development should not be underestimated – it should be a career-long obligation to keep current, grow and provide more value. And I continue to do just that, whether through reading, researching and attending seminars, or more formal studies, like I’m doing this year after being awarded a scholarship with WLA Australia for their Executive Ready course
- I was excited (and a little nervous…) to start the journey to transform and stretch my leadership skills, behaviours and mindset, and while I admit it is constantly challenging my traditional ways of thinking and has me constantly questioning my processes and not accepting the “quick fix” – I am so glad for this! This means I am now more mindful in how I approach my team, whether it be direct reports, employees from different areas of the business, colleagues and those in positions above me
- Being able to understand and apply the theory behind the leadership strategies in a supportive environment, via the WLA Executive Ready course has been the key to having the confidence to implement these strategies in my role. And this is the case whether it is through the face to face sessions, webinars and online discussions
- I believe this course is empowering me in my role today and future proofing me to be able to take on added responsibilities