AMI & Navitas College to co-develop Professional Year Marketing program

AMI is excited to announce the development of a Professional Year Marketing program, in conjunction with its partner Navitas, to assist final year marketing students develop the necessary work-readiness skills required for successful entry into the Australian workplace.
The intent is to implement an industry-focused 18-week work-readiness program, comprising of one day per week face to face tuition for 6 weeks, followed by a 12-week internship within a relevant marketing discipline. The pilot program is intended to run in early 2019 across both Sydney and Melbourne locations in partnership with universities such as UTS and Deakin. AMI will grant participating students AMI membership along with mentoring through the Emerging Marketers’ program. In addition, participants will also have the opportunity to partake in a micro-credentialing assessment pathway. Should the candidate be successful in attaining a credential award, they will embark on a fast-tracked pathway into AMI’s Certified Professional Marketing (CPM) program.
For those AMI corporate members wishing to register an initial expression of interest to participate in this internship program, please contact the team at AMI on 0282561601