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Woolworths loses market share, grocery dollars in Victoria t..

Woolworths has experienced a significant decline in market share in Victoria, with a 6.6% drop recorded for December 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, a...

Match & Wood secures Renault Group’s media accoun..

Match & Wood has been awarded the media planning and buying account for Renault Group following a competitive pitch process. The account transition from incumbe...

Sanitarium’s Weet-Bix campaign reignites nostalgia wit..

Sanitarium Health Food Company has unveiled a new advertising campaign for its Weet-Bix brand, collaborating with agency 303 MullenLowe....

80% of firms using the Australian Made logo believe it influ..

A recent survey conducted by the Australian Made Campaign Limited (AMCL) has revealed that 80% of businesses using the Australian Made logo believe it influence...

ACCC sweep uncovers potential misleading practices in retail..

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has conducted a comprehensive sweep of over 2,000 Australian retail websites. This initiative focused ...

Empowerment is vital if marketing is to use AI to elevate it..

A step change in experience and effectiveness, not just efficiency, is what's key to ensuring marketing departments harness AI to elevate their business impact ...

‘Marketers are buying this’: Pitfalls and ‘lies’..

Nico Neumann is deep in the weeds on digital marketing attribution, market mix modelling [MMM] and incrementality testing – likewise the dangers of narrow aud...

‘Marketers are buying this’: Pitfalls and ‘lies’..

Melbourne Business School Associate Professor Nico Neumann's original paper showed that targeting men or women via data brokers was less accurate than spray and...