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June, 2024

Continuing Professional Development Gives Your Career the Edge

In the current highly competitive employment market, investing in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can give you that career edge.

What do I mean by CPD?  Well, CPD involves gaining new skills through continuing education and career training after entering the workforce. It can include taking classes or workshops, attending professional or industry conferences, or earning certification to expand your knowledge as a professional marketer.

CPD helps ensure that both academic and vocational qualifications do not become out dated, allowing you to continually up-skill and develop your proficiencies, regardless of your age, occupation, or educational level.

Many organisations offer in-house opportunities for professional development, such as training sessions or mentoring programs, but many professional development programs are done independently through a professional association, such as the AMI.

CPD is important because it has the potential to open opportunities for career advancement, such as promotions.

Employees who show initiative in independent professional development can signal to employers that they are open to new experiences and are enthusiastic about continuing to grow.

As market and employer demands continue to evolve, it becomes increasingly difficult to overstate the importance of CPD.

CPD enables individuals to reinforce and enhance their current skills while reducing any knowledge shortfalls.  This can provide a competitive edge at times where one is needed – CPD can set individuals apart in the job market, as many candidates vying for particular roles often hold similar fundamental qualifications.

But you need to be mindful that CPD is not a one-off process – it continues and develops throughout your career.

A commitment to CPD enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive. It’s an important part of continually making personal improvements after finishing your formal education.

A key benefit of being an AMI member is that you can access a range of CPD opportunities, regardless of what stage in your career you are at. The AMI provides you with access to world class CPD options through our partnerships with leading providers, including the UK’s Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

As market and employer demands continue to evolve, it becomes increasingly difficult to overstate the importance of CPD.

Finally, a planned approach to CBD enables professional marketers to take charge of their career development and aspirations. The personal empowerment derived from professional autonomy can increase confidence in one’s effectiveness and ability. This can translate directly into improved work performance. This benefits employers, as employees are likely to be more motivated and loyal to a company that invests in them and supports their career development.

Find out more about the range of CPD opportunities that members can access through the AMI.