CPM Spotlight: Bruce McDonald

Bruce McDonald has extensive experience as a business executive, primarily in the automotive industry in Australia and overseas, as well as senior leadership responsibility in other sectors. Over the past seven years, he has applied his experience as a successful entrepreneur, presenter, mentor and valued Non-Executive Director.
Bruce’s key appointments have included:
- Vice President, Marketing, Sales and Customer Service Division, Ford Australia
- Several key leadership roles with Ford Motor Company, United States, including
Regional Manager, New York - CEO, Driver Education Centre of Australia (DECA)
- CEO, Australian Automotive Dealer Association (AADA)
- Chair, RMIT University, Graduate School of Business and Law, Program Advisory Board
- Non-Executive Director, Rural Workforce Agency, Victoria (RWAV)
- Founder and Director, Advantage Point Business Advisors
- Chair, The Future Circle and EA Circle groups
- Advisor, Strategy and Client Partnerships, Digital Next.
Bruce’s core competency is as a sales and marketing leader, underpinned by a zealous customer-centric attitude. The key to his success, as a long-term Ford Motor Company employee, and as a business entrepreneur, is his ability to apply his considerable emotional intelligence to effectively engage and understand the needs of all stakeholders.
As the founder (in 2011) and director of his own consulting business, Advantage Point, Bruce has shared his extensive practical wisdom across a range of market sectors, including automotive wholesale and retail, transport and logistics, horticulture, food, health, petroleum, OH&S, real estate, tourism and manufacturing. Bruce established his business in recognition of the increased reliance by businesses, in all sectors, on discounted price as their primary, but unsustainable, source of brand appeal.
Advantage Point assists their clients to achieve profitable growth by identifying and securing
a source of sustainable advantage in their specific market sector, through an integrated focus on:
- Inspirational leadership
- Differentiated strategy
- Engaged employees
- Delighted customers
Ford Motor Company
Bruce achieved a distinguished 28-year career with Ford Motor Company in Australia and the United States, culminating in the executive leadership roles of Vice President, Marketing and Sales, then Ford Customer Service Division, Ford Australia.
His overriding responsibility was custodian of the Ford brand.
In addition to his strong marketing, business strategy and people skills, Bruce developed
a reputation for building a strong and effective partnership with his Ford Dealer distribution network.
International Experience
Bruce’s long-term career with Ford Motor Company provided him with extensive international experience and associated exposure to different business cultures and practices.
His own leadership development came through his selection as a member of the Ford Executive Partnering Program in Detroit. This provided him first-hand exposure to the leadership styles and behaviours of Ford Motor Company’s most senior leaders.
In late 1996, Bruce was awarded a highly sought-after Ford International Service Assignment to the USA for approximately 4 years.
His initial appointment was as Manager, Portfolio Brand Strategy, Ford Asia-Pacific. This responsibility involved the delivery of extensive marketing training to Ford and advertising agency colleagues in numerous Asia-Pacific markets.
Bruce’s subsequent leadership assignments in the USA culminated in his appointment as Ford Regional Manager, New York.
Other Activities
Bruce was a mentor to the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Business Plan Competition for several years, and a final round judge. He was also Chair, RMIT University Graduate School of Business and Law, Program Advisory Board and was the Co-ordinator of the RMIT MBA Mentoring Program. Bruce is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.