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May, 2017

Member Spotlight: Emma Sharley

Emma has launched a start-up called Shopof.u; a personalised mobile shopping app that matches customers based on their style, size and preferences and intelligently learns over time what they like/dislike.

Shopof.u recently partnered with KPMG to host a pop-up innovation lab called “Playtime for Great Retail Minds”. The purpose of the event was to bring together senior management from top retailers in Australia to play with the latest technology (AR, VR, drones, 3D printing, interactive tables, iBeacons, artificial intelligence, wearables & Amazon Echo), and talk about what challenges they are facing and what opportunities they are identifying.

Gavin Whyte, Principal at Deloitte and Lecturer at UTS, spoke at the event. Gavin is an industry expert in deep machine learning and behavioural modelling, and he shared insights on how to drive higher revenue through real time customer insights using algorithms.

Emma and her co-founder also shared insights on the most engaging social media accounts and apps, based on a recent study of the top 25 go-to fashion brands in Australia, which can be accessed here.

Shopof.u are about to launch a private beta, if you would like to be the first to trial before anyone else, you can sign up here.

Shopof.u’s website

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