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August, 2024

Obtaining the CPM Status– Is Much More Than Another Feather in Your Cap!

By: Bianca Haputhanthri, Marketing Consultant/ Brand Strategist

It is an absolute privilege to be recognised as a Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM) from an entity such as the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) which carries a rich heritage of igniting marketing excellence for over 90 years. The CPM designation is the preeminent professional benchmark exclusively tailored for marketers in the Asia – Pacific region.

I am currently a marketing consultant, an award-winning brand builder with over 15 years of experience in versatile industries such as Tea, Garments, FMCG ( Fast moving consumer goods), Real Estate and Learning. In addition, I am also a Chartered Marketer from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM – UK) and a Practicing Marketer from the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM). Further I am also an MBA holder from the University of Colombo and a graduate from the London School of Economics & Political Science: University of London.

In my personal experience being qualified as a CPM is not only another feather in my cap, but also has paid dividends because it gives confidence for clients who reach out to me particularly from the Pacific region. For the simple reason being the status of a CPM recognises that an individual possesses practical marketing management experience, a distinguished marketing qualification and extensive marketing knowledge and experience. Hence, I believe that if you are in the Asian – Pacific region investing in becoming a CPM is an essential marketing qualification. Furthermore, a critical point to highlight is that even if you gain the CPM status you need to continue to upkeep your CPM status every year by earning a certain number of points. It is hard work but that is what makes you stand out from the rest.

Additionally, being a CPM at AMI also really helps me to stay connected and continuously gives me the opportunity to ignite my marketing brilliance. Whilst there is a plethora of resources ranging from webinars to newsletters to blogs and access to the latest news in marketing on the Mi3 platform, there are two other opportunities which I particularly enjoy. One is being a mentor and the other is being selected as a judge for the AMI Marketing Excellence awards 2024.

One of my greatest passions is to share my knowledge and experience. When I reflect on my personal growth journey, I must give credit to my mentors for aiding to shape my marketing career. Personally, I believe that as a senior professional it is my duty to extend a hand to upcoming marketers. Hence the “Emerging Marketer” mentoring program provides a great platform for senior marketers like myself to share expertise and to build relationships with upcoming marketers. This is a well curated 6-month program which discusses relevant themes such as career building, building the personal brand, networking etc. A commendable point is that the AMI takes the initiative prior to review and match the mentor’s and mentee’s resume and objectives to facilitate a more effective outcome of the program.

When I reflect on my experience as being appointed as a judge for the AMI Marketing excellence awards – it was a sheer privilege. To experience first-hand some of Australia’s greatest marketing case studies was truly enriching.

Last but not least being part of the AMI means that you can be part of a larger community (AMI is the professional marketing body with the highest number of members in Australia) where you can bounce ideas, debate, and receive and render support to fellow marketers. Further I must commend AMI as it continuously strives to engage with its fellow members to build a global marketing community.

I would encourage my fellow colleagues if you ticked all the boxes and are eligible to obtain the CPM status, don’t hesitate to apply today.! For more information visit .

For aspiring marketers, my humble advice is “GO FOR IT” ! If you want to reach out to me, please connect on LinkedIn.