Stigma Health and HUD app join forces for STI Awareness Week 2024

Stigma Health, Australia’s largest online sexual health clinic group, is joining forces with casual dating app HUD for STI Awareness Week 2024. The partnership aims to educate and empower app users about their sexual health and wellbeing. Stigma Health will provide researched, expert content to ensure readers are well-informed and confident in looking after themselves.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that more than 1 million STIs are acquired every day worldwide, the majority of which are asymptomatic. This partnership comes at a critical time when the need for sexual health education and awareness is paramount.
“Stigma Health is excited to collaborate with HUD App to make sexual health sexy. They don’t shy away from important conversations, and neither do we. We love that HUD App takes the sexual health of their community seriously, and this content collaboration will ensure it’s front and centre at critical moments in the online dating scene,” said James Sneddon, Co-Founder of Stigma Health.
Stigma Health was established in 2015 by Dr Mitchell Tanner and James Sneddon. It is Australia’s largest sexual health clinic group, delivering STI testing to over 30,000 users. HUD App, founded in the same year and headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, has over 15 million users in 166 countries.
“At HUD App, we aren’t not afraid to talk about taboo topics. We encourage our users to have honest, upfront conversations with their dates, and we’re thrilled to work with Stigma Health to provide research-backed, medically sound information that will help people improve their sexual health and wellbeing,” said Mikayla Robinson, HUD App’s Director of Marketing.
The collaboration will leverage Stigma Health’s team of health professionals to help HUD App users be proactive about awareness, prevention, and treatment of STIs, eradicating any stigma or shame they might feel.
“Stigma Health is Australia’s leading provider of online STI testing, and HUD is leading the way globally when it comes to honest and upfront online dating – it’s a match made in cyber heaven!” added Sneddon.