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October, 2024

Unilever embraces micro-bite ice creams as the new snacking trend wins favour with Gen Z

Unilever has launched the first Magnum bite-sized Bon Bons, joining the likes of Ben & Jerry’s and Yasso in embracing a growing shift in the snacking category towards smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

According to research data, 9 out of 10 Gen Z consumers consume at least one snack a day, indicating a growing market for these bite-sized treats. In the UK, one-third of ice cream consumers have expressed interest in trying bite-sized portions. According to Kantar data, those who purchase bite-sized ice creams alongside traditional formats spend 76% more on ice cream on average.

The snacking trend saw a significant increase during the pandemic, especially among younger consumers. Nielsen data suggests that the bite-sized format is driving ice cream sales. Kantar data further shows that bites are helping to premiumise the ice cream category.

Magnum’s new Bon Bons are available in three flavours and will soon be available in-store and online in Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, France, UK, Ireland, Spain and other European markets. Unilever’s growing ice cream snacking portfolio also includes Ben & Jerry’s ‘Peaces’ pouches and ‘Poppables’ from Yasso. Yasso’s Poppables, which are 35 calories per portion, have seen increasing dollar and unit sales, and now account for roughly a quarter of the brand’s growth.

Ben & Jerry’s has also expanded its bite-sized ice cream offering, introducing a new Salted Caramel Brownie flavour to its Peaces range. The move towards smaller, shareable formats is helping to de-seasonalise ice cream so it can be seen as a snack option all year round.

“We’re building the micro-bite ice cream category by tapping into how this change in behaviour has created new consumption occasions,” said Rosie Festus, Global Brand Manager at Magnum. “Gen Z are switched on when it comes to snacking. They’re paying attention to portion size, how it makes them feel and what the experience is like.”