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August, 2021

Fellow marketers, have you ever Googled “what is marketing”?

It’s a fascinating exercise, especially for those of us who have been in the industry for a while. There are Wikipedia articles and HubSpot blogs that make it clear that this is a profession that is difficult to nail down, that moves fast, and yet maintains fundamentals as it morphs. 

I suppose that’s very much how I feel about my career. I started out in lead generation in the agency world, which led to experience in branding, business development, client service, and digital marketing. When I moved into the corporate world I grew in product marketing and gravitated towards content marketing, social eminence and even culture. Along the way, I’ve expressed my love for marketing in so many ways – from strategic planning with the business, to workshop creation and facilitation, to public speaking and writing. 

My conclusion? Marketing and specifically marketers cannot be put in a box or so easily defined! Perhaps because our day jobs force us to learn every day. Perhaps because we are a collaborative bunch who like to combine the creative arts with the science of data and psychology and more. Perhaps because we take so much on, and yet seek authentic and sustainable growth.

I’m excited that the AMI is working to bring us together as an Australian marketing community – to learn from each other, move marketing forward, and co-create the soft and hard skills that we need to be the leaders in business while ALWAYS walking in the shoes of our clients (thank you Andrea Edwards for giving me a clear visual of this mantra of yours!). The combination of my formal learning with my on the job experience has been a wonderful rollercoaster so far. I’m honoured to join other Certified Professional Marketers and the AMI, because it’s the power of this community that makes the magic!!

Tara Moody
Chief Content Officer & Chief Marketing Culture Officer, Asia Pacific Full-time at IBM