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September, 2024

Why being a member of a professional body is a ‘no brainer’


In a competitive employment market, being a member of a professional body can give you that edge. Whether its promotion with your current employer or when seeking a new role.

The ACCC defines a professional body as ‘an organisation of people from the same industry. Their role is to help educate members, maintain high standards and ensure ethical behaviour within an industry’.

If you consider yourself to be a professional marketer, then you should be an active member of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).  Being part of the only body focused on professional marketers, you will have access to an invaluable range of professional development opportunities, including discounted curated training courses, peer-to-peer networking, professional mentoring, certification, free webinars and up- to- date news on the latest trends and industry developments.

That said, what are some of the more specific benefits of being part of professional industry body? Here are 10 reasons why you should be a member:

#1: Continuing professional education: professional bodies typically provide access to career relevant training and education.

The AMI provides access to over 100 curated training programs which are designed to build your competencies and propel you forward in your career.

AMI’s Marketers’ Competency Framework maps out the 25 competencies to be a successful marketer across 5 levels of proficiency and all the skills required at each level.

This framework enables you to identify and pursue personal development goals and accelerate your career progression. Curated courses align with the framework, so you can easily identify those relevant to your own personal development plan.

Nowhere else in Australia can you get access to such a comprehensive career growth resource.

#2. Certification: Professional organisations offer the opportunity to certify your skills and expertise which can lead to better career opportunities, demonstrating your commitment to your job and strengthening your credibility as a professional.

The AMI offers a range of professional certification from micro credentialling through to Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM) designation.

The AMI micro-credential provides recognition of a marketer’s core technical knowledge in areas such as digital and data-driven marketing; content and creative marketing as well as customer experience.

Earning the CPM title requires ethical conduct, extensive experience, and up-to-date knowledge. It serves as a respected emblem of distinction for Marketing Professionals who consistently pursue advancement through leadership, innovation, and a commitment to continuous learning.

#3: Mentoring programs: Many professional bodies provide their members with access to a mentoring program.  A mentor can play a key role in helping you advance your career. Seek out a mentor that you believe has the experience to help you grow.

The AMI offers the Emerging Marketers Mentoring Program which provides aspiring and emerging marketers with an opportunity to connect with senior marketing professionals, get valuable insight into the industry and develop their soft skills to give them a competitive edge in their career. Importantly, Mentees are matched to suitable Mentors making it easier for them to connect with a mentor to help them grow professionally.

#4: Networking opportunities: Professional bodies usually offer numerous events throughout the year that allow members to network with other members (at different stages of their careers). Contacts made through networking can be invaluable when searching for a new position or expanding your sphere of influence. Participating in Professional Interest Groups can also help further your career.

The AMI offers a range of networking opportunities across each state, organised and conducted by our State Committees.

#5: Access to resources: Another benefit to membership of a professional body is the access you get to newsletters, magazines, and webinars that can offer helpful information about the industry.

The AMI provides members with access to a range of resources, including ‘The Australian Marketer’ which provides up- to- date news on the latest trends and industry developments (look out for it in your inbox on a monthly basis). Additionally, free webinars and special offers to attend industry events.

A unique benefit is free Professional Indemnity Insurance (worth the membership fee alone).

#6: Awards Program: many professional bodies offer members the opportunity to participate in and awards program. Such programs provide the ability to have your work assessed and recognised. This provides an avenue for you to build your personal brand and market profile.

For over 40 years, the AMI’s Marketing Excellence Awards have provided an opportunity to celebrate individuals and organisations who have achieved extraordinary success from innovative and effective marketing practices.  This year’s winners will be revealed at the Gala Awards night on October 17. Tickets are selling fast!

#7: Job prospects

Many professional bodies offer career resources to help members break into the job market or find a new position. Being a member of one of these bodies can help you get your foot in the door.

The AMI Marketing Jobs Hub connects talented marketing professionals, at any stage of their careers, with the best employers around Australia. Job seekers are welcome to submit their resumes or to browse the positions vacant on the website. Employers are encouraged to advertise their available  positions.

#8: Advocacy: Professional bodies generally advocate for their profession and their members.

The AMI advocates on behalf of our members – upstanding qualities of integrity, ethics, trust and experience as hallmarks of being a marketing professional.

#9 New perspectives: Being around other industry professionals with different viewpoints will expose you to new ideas and outlooks. This can have a very positive effect not only on your personal growth and development, but impact the overall success of your organisation as well.

#10: Membership Fees can be tax deductible: In Australia, you may be eligible to claim a deduction for your membership fee. Coupled with all of the benefits of being part of being a member of a professional body – such as the AMI – makes being a member a bit of a ‘no brainer’.

One last thought: whilst the AMI (or any other professional body for that matter) can provide you with access to all the benefits described above, ultimately it is up to you (as the member) to maximise your membership value.

Get engaged, get involved and know what opportunities are there for you. And then leverage them to help you maximise your career opportunities.