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Machine to machine CX and conversational commerce ‘explosion’ set to trigger up to $200bn in global brand content contracts – Deloitte Digital

Machine-to-machine CX and an explosion of conversational commerce is set to bring $200bn of brand content contracts into play, forcing a total rethink for corporates, content firms and creators of all creeds for how they structure and deliver content for bots to read, process and action commerce and broader customer experience. Deloitte Digital is already retooling its entire content team to do just that. National Lead Partner Leon Doyle and global marketing and commerce boss Nick Garrett say brand-owned content and marketing is taking a swing to risk management and governance and brands must clear “content debt” fast or gamble on commerce-enabling AI applications scraping and ingesting forgotten, incorrect, outdated or even misleading corporate information and content lurking in digital corners. Garrett says conversational commerce is “exploding in every market” globally and thinks the impact on content economics is seismic – with everything that existed pre-AI at risk of obsolescence. That reality is likely also driving the next classic re-invention of consulting services and advisory practices.

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What makes an emerging marketing leader? Australian Marketing Institute recognises two – here’s how they earned it

Clear career goals, an insatiable desire to lean in and learn new skills, and mentorship have all helped emerging marketing and business leaders from ANZ Bank and Move Bank to be recognised in this year’s this year’s Australian Marketing Institute’s Marketing Excellence awards program. And their passion for marketing as both a growth engine and as a team sport could teach other brands a thing or two.

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Prompt like a boss: Deloitte says 70% of staff reported “meaningful” productivity improvements three months into company wide generative AI rollout

Searching internal and external sources and conducting research, analysing documents and data, and creating summaries and outputs from analysis performed topped the use cases in a huge company wide generative AI rollout at Deloitte for its in-house house MyAssist agent. And the consulting firm is touting significant self-reported productivity improvements for the 10,000 staff who engaged with the service.

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Conversion rates for ‘the easiest product not to buy’ power 20% after marketing stack overhaul at Personalised Plates Queensland

Personalised Plates Queensland (PPQ) has overhauled its data-driven approach to marketing on top of a new platform implementation built upon Tealium, Dotdigital and Craft CRM. It’s part of a wider change which has also seen the creation of a digital experience team inside the group. And they are getting wins on the board with strong conversion rates and much higher visibility over the audience thanks to much more sophisticated approach to analytics.

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Blackmores CMO wins marketing chief of the year, Paper + Spark director awarded CPM top gong and Thinkerbell, CulturalPulse and Seek Marketing all winners at the 2024 Australian Marketing Institute Marketing Excellence Awards

Blackmores chief marketing and innovation officer, Joanne Smith, has taken the crown as Chief Marketing Officer of the Year and Seek Marketing has been named Marketing Team of the Year at this year’s Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) Marketing Excellence Awards gala in Melbourne.

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