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From Engineer to Certified Practising Marketer: Embracing Passion, Perseverance, and Self-Learning

Discovering My True Passion In 2019, I found myself at a crossroads. Armed with a degree in Electrical Engineering, I was all set to embark on a traditional engineering career. However, fate had a different plan for me. I was inexplicably drawn towards the world of digital marketing, a field that was poles apart from… Continue reading From Engineer to Certified Practising Marketer: Embracing Passion, Perseverance, and Self-Learning

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Do you need a career coach?

I have previously written about the importance of having a ‘career plan’. To recap, a career plan gives you a roadmap to your future. It outlines how you will get from where you are today to your ultimate career goal. With an end goal in mind, you can determine actions to get you get there.… Continue reading Do you need a career coach?

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The three-speed marketing economy: Time to broaden core capabilities, build flexibility – fast

As we interrogate the inaugural series benchmarking marketing across a broad range of areas – budget settings, measurement and KPIs and marketing’s reputation inside organisations among them – it’s clear we are witnessing a rather nuanced outlook with a three-speed economy emerging around marketing budgets. With roughly a third of businesses each either holding, cutting or increasing… Continue reading The three-speed marketing economy: Time to broaden core capabilities, build flexibility – fast

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Continuing Professional Development Gives Your Career the Edge

In the current highly competitive employment market, investing in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can give you that career edge. What do I mean by CPD?  Well, CPD involves gaining new skills through continuing education and career training after entering the workforce. It can include taking classes or workshops, attending professional or industry conferences, or earning… Continue reading Continuing Professional Development Gives Your Career the Edge

Democratising marketing’s most powerful skill – empathy

Arguably, empathy is the most powerful skill marketers bring to the boardroom. Empathy is our most fun story to tell, our superpower, and at times even our get out of jail free card. In vividly representing our customers within the organisation, we offer a critical shortcut to driving growth. But casting a net for fancy… Continue reading Democratising marketing’s most powerful skill – empathy

Victoria’s Marketer’s Happy Hour: Cheers to a Successful Event

  On 16 May, the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) Victorian State committee held the first event for 2024 in partnership with hosts T garage Strategy and Research. The event brought together marketers from across Victoria, providing a unique opportunity to connect, share insights, and learn from one another. The evening was a resounding success, marked… Continue reading Victoria’s Marketer’s Happy Hour: Cheers to a Successful Event

Can fast be good?

“We could do with a few more weeks!”  Yes, but what if you don’t have a few more weeks, can fast still be good? Yes, so long as you realise the one thing more important than the time you have is what you do with it. At Milk+Honey we’ve created a global campaign in just… Continue reading Can fast be good?

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“Reverse Inclusion”: Seven ways the lack of expertise can lead to DEI retreat in marketing

Dr. Abas Mirzaei Senior Lecturer in Marketing, at Macquarie Business School In recent years, the corporate world has witnessed a significant shift in the approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Four years ago, these programs were at the forefront of corporate strategies, fuelled by social movements and a global call for greater inclusivity… Continue reading “Reverse Inclusion”: Seven ways the lack of expertise can lead to DEI retreat in marketing

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Mi3 partners with AMI to provide Certified Practising Marketers with points

Attention all Certified Practising Marketers: Looking to secure more certification points this year? Thanks to a new partnership between the Australian Marketing Institute and Mi3, reading Mi3’s industry recognised content can now help you do just that. Mi3 has joined forces with the AMI on a dynamic new way for accredited Certified Practising Marketers (CPM)… Continue reading Mi3 partners with AMI to provide Certified Practising Marketers with points