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Achieving excellence through lifelong learning: insights for modern marketers

Attributable to Stephanie Conti, Manager, Customer Centricity & Capability – Group Marketing at ANZ Throughout my career, I’ve journeyed through various stages of understanding the role of learning in professional growth. Reflecting on my earlier years, I once viewed learning as a time-consuming detour from productivity. Attending occasional external courses seemed sufficient, until my current… Continue reading Achieving excellence through lifelong learning: insights for modern marketers

My Brillant Career

Celeste Moroney, Director at Run Partners and AMI Non Executive Board Member I used to think that a career was linear. Then I found myself close to the top of the mountain (that I had created in my head) and asked, so what now?    I have always loved working. I actually remember thinking when I… Continue reading My Brillant Career

Advancing your career in 2024 – the roadmap to success

Andrew Thornton AMI Chair January 2024 During the Christmas/New Year break, many of you will have reflected on your career and where it’s heading. Now is the time to take action: to advance your career in 2024, you need a plan. Career advancement comes in many forms: from climbing the corporate ladder to taking on… Continue reading Advancing your career in 2024 – the roadmap to success

Why being a successful marketer is not just about marketing skills

Andrew Thornton AMI Chair April 2024 In today’s competitive market, professional marketers not only need to be good at ‘marketing’, and up-to date with the latest marketing trends and techniques, they also need to have broader skills to progress in their career.   A marketing leadership role needs you to be savvy in other disciplines, such… Continue reading Why being a successful marketer is not just about marketing skills

My Brilliant Career: How I went FORWARD in my Marketing Career

I absolutely loved my job. From an early and promising media career, I had moved to Australia’s leading entertainment, leisure and hospitality company to do what I thought (and a lot of others figured also) was the best job in the world. It was exciting, challenging, every day was different, I was working on brands… Continue reading My Brilliant Career: How I went FORWARD in my Marketing Career

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Building connections with the right people at the right time can be the key to taking the next steps in your career

Andrew Thornton AMI Chair Many relationship experts agree that the most connected people are often the most successful. When you invest in your relationships — professional and personal — it can pay you back in spades throughout the course of your career. Professional networking is an essential business skill since it helps you develop and… Continue reading Building connections with the right people at the right time can be the key to taking the next steps in your career

Now’s the time to take control of your career in marketing – the significance of developing competencies

John Clay, AMI Director The summer holidays and the start of the year is always a time for reflection and for me has been a time to evaluate what training and development needs to be pursued. Whether this is for career development, personal growth or just keeping up to date with trends; there’s a wealth… Continue reading Now’s the time to take control of your career in marketing – the significance of developing competencies

Advancing your career in 2024 – the roadmap to success

Andrew Thornton AMI Chair January 2024 During the Christmas/New Year break, many of you will have reflected on your career and where it’s heading. Now is the time to take action: to advance your career in 2024, you need a plan. Career advancement comes in many forms: from climbing the corporate ladder to taking on… Continue reading Advancing your career in 2024 – the roadmap to success

Webinar: Social Media Best Practices

Learn how to measure your brand’s impact across the end-to-end customer journey on the best-performing social media platforms This webinar is focused on the current state of social media marketing as it sits heading into 2024. It involves a discussion and collaboration around social media strategy and design. With a strong intention on providing clarity… Continue reading Webinar: Social Media Best Practices

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