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Four of the Best Books on Marketing – Must-read International Bestsellers

It’s time to let the best business brains inspire you to act. Get instant access to our online book club; an ever-growing, curated collection of exclusive webcasts with best-selling authors and future thinkers. Simply log in to The Growth Faculty On Demand. You’ll find over 100 best-selling authors who share key concepts from their books in 20… Continue reading Four of the Best Books on Marketing – Must-read International Bestsellers

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12 Facts You Didn’t Know About Webinars

Are you looking for innovative ways to acquire, nurture and grown your audience? Well here’s some information that might surprise you. They’re inexpensive. Easily accessible. Relatively quick. Some people love them and some don’t. But there’s no question that webinars are here to stay. In an article published on Inc, Gene Marks explains why webinars  are thriving. 73 percent… Continue reading 12 Facts You Didn’t Know About Webinars

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Australian Marketing Institute appoints John Clay as its newest Director of the Board

The Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) is pleased to announce the appointment of its newest member,  John Clay  to its Board of Directors effective from the conclusion of the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Coming from an professional Marketing background, John has considerable experience in the domain of Marketing, having held senior roles in the corporate sector including… Continue reading Australian Marketing Institute appoints John Clay as its newest Director of the Board

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CMO Council Partners with Australian Marketing Institute

The AMI has negotiated a heavily discounted CMO Council premium content subscription offer for AMI Members with savings of over $AU400. This influential marketing think tank based in the United States curates global market insights and publishes best practice studies, reports and publications. Its 15,000 members in 110 countries control some $500 billion in annual, aggregated marketing spend.… Continue reading CMO Council Partners with Australian Marketing Institute

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AMI Launches AMI Marketing Expert Program

The Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) recently announced the launch of their AMI Marketing Expert Program, in partnership with Deakin University. Using Deakin’s Professional Practice credentials for the assessment of marketing capability, the AMI Marketing Expert Program certification will establish a recognised industry proficiency and a new way for marketing professionals to have their expertise recognised.… Continue reading AMI Launches AMI Marketing Expert Program

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What is your brand story? It matters more than you think

Mark Jones, the CEO and Chief Storyteller of Filtered Media, talks us through the importance of  ‘Belief Moments’ for effective brand storytelling. Back in 1994 a man called Jeff Bezos discovered this thing called the internet. He’d read usage was growing at 2,300 percent and a lightbulb went off. This thing might be good for… Continue reading What is your brand story? It matters more than you think

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Australian Marketing Industry Shines at the Australian Marketing Institute’s 2018 Marketing Excellence Awards

Wednesday night marked the 2018 AMI Awards for Marketing Excellence Gala Dinner. Now in its 36th year, the AMI recognises professional excellence in marketing practice across diverse customer, budgets and strategic approaches. This year more than 200 organisations from all around Australia entered the Awards and more than 400 people attended the event at Sheraton… Continue reading Australian Marketing Industry Shines at the Australian Marketing Institute’s 2018 Marketing Excellence Awards

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Marketing 2019 & Beyond: Trends and Predictions

Each year the Australian Marketing Institute attracts some of Australia’s finest marketing minds to share their thoughts on the marketing trends they think will define and re-shape how we approach the future. Marketing 2019 & Beyond: Trends and Predictions is an opportunity to gain valuable insider knowledge from some of the industry’s most experienced and… Continue reading Marketing 2019 & Beyond: Trends and Predictions

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AMI & Navitas College to co-develop Professional Year Marketing program

AMI is excited to announce the development of a Professional Year Marketing program, in conjunction with its partner Navitas, to assist final year marketing students develop the necessary work-readiness skills required for successful entry into the Australian workplace. The intent is to implement an industry-focused 18-week work-readiness program, comprising of one day per week face… Continue reading AMI & Navitas College to co-develop Professional Year Marketing program

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