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Environment Victoria, Comms Declare follow up Masterchef Australia’s gas sponsorship criciticisms with report alleging industry’s detrimental impact on energy users

Environment Victoria and Comms Declare is continuing its fight against Australia’s energy sector, releasing a new report titled alleging the gas industry is working against the interests of energy users. It comes as YouGov commissioned research shows nearly three in four voters supporting health warnings on gas appliances and 63% want eco labels on appliance advertising.

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Telstra, Kia, Mailchimp CMOs on how they’re using AI, linking bonuses to cross-functionality, selling distinctiveness to the c-suite – and why marketing trumps customer

There’s a tonne of people with customer in their title, but Telstra CMO Brent Smart says marketing is the only function that can actually deliver new customers. Kia’s top marketer Dean Norbiato is KPI-ing staff on being cross-function and cross-discipline, or they don’t get their bonus. Mailchimp CMO Michelle Taite is making her teams play golf with dumplings using a mouse. The three unpacked AI use cases, creative effectiveness strategies, selling brand and distinctiveness to the CFO – and why nothing in marketing can be binary.

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Apocalypse not now: Google’s cookie rug pull points to ‘deprecation by default’ but market has already moved on – and regulators are lining up

Four years in, Google has officially pulled the rug on cookie deprecation. Consensus is Google read the runes on the upcoming report from the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) report in the UK and factored in the DOJ’s anti-trust case that kicks off in September. Mi3 spoke to brand, media, agency, and regulatory leads to gauge the impact for marketers and the supply chain – and they see deprecation happening by default, and trouble brewing for Google either way. Meanwhile, the market has already moved on to first-party approaches because cookies were “leaving money on the table”. But there are questions about how Google implements consent opt-ins or opt-outs, and risks of marketers getting caught out by ignorance of where cookies operate as local privacy laws change.

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