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HSBC Australia fined $33,000 for alleged breaches of consumer data rights

HSBC Australia Limited (HSBC) has been penalised $33,000 for alleged breaches of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) rules. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) issued HSBC with two infringement notices relating to alleged failures to disclose complete mortgage interest rate details and accurate credit card balances in response to separate requests for this data made via the CDR.

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Taylor Swift effect: How the Tay Tay train drew a young, affluent crowd in its wake, spend spiked across Sydney and Melbourne; brands, retail, leisure mopped-up – Commbank iQ

Young, cashed up and ready to party, the legion of Swifties who poured into the Sydney and Melbourne CBDs for the artist’s recent concert series lifted spending by 4 per cent and 6 per cent respectively in each city. And those figures are conservative, says the Commbank iQ executive who ran the analysis. Here’s where the money went.

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Harnessing AI for brand gain not brand bust: Adobe’s global CMO of Digital Experience Eric Hall on customisable AI, trusted data, tech incrementalism and selling the platform story

Adobe global CMO of Digital Experience, Eric Hall, wants companies to make bigger, bolder bets on their technology investments like consumers do, and break free of the incrementalism mindset they’ve been holding onto. And he’s seeing Adobe’s increasingly solid platform play and its brand-safe approach to AI as a compelling way to achieve that – provided the martech vendor can get better at elevating its own brand story with CMOs, CIOs and CEOs. During this year’s Adobe Summit, the marketing chief caught up with Mi3 to discuss the very practical AI innovations coming into the Adobe stack to drive personalisation at scale, what it’s going to take to make AI less scary for marketers, and how the vendor itself is working to improve its own marketing to marketers.

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Adobe layers gen AI deeper into content supply chain, eyes Office productivity with Microsoft Copilot and marketing integration as Pfizer touts massive content production gains – targets $1bn AI upside

A year on from debuting its family of creative AI models, Adobe has used this year’s annual Las Vegas Summit to detail the latest ways it’s extending the tentacles of generative AI capabilities into all aspects of the content supply chain and across its Experience Cloud suite for marketers. It’s a play that brings AI directly into the tools marketers are using for everyday tasks. On hand to tout the benefits of the vendor’s martech platform and growing automation and AI capabilities was giant health brand, Pfizer. The vaccine maker cited 50 per cent-plus productivity gains plus 75 per cent faster content creation and is now eyeing bigger gains – a five-fold increase in content productivity via rapid adoption of Adobe’s tools and up to $1 billion in near-term value off the back of its broader AI play.

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