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Martech spend at 10-year low, broader budgets crunched but pressured marketers shielding paid media – CMOs, agency bosses on where axe is falling, defence mechanisms

Gartner’s latest global CMO survey finds marketing budgets as a percentage of company revenues are at a five-year low. Martech spending is its lowest in 10 years while talent and agencies are likewise getting squeezed. But results-pressured marketing chiefs are ringfencing working media in a bid for short-term growth. Locally CMOs from Uber, Adore Beauty, and one financial services firm, along with Publicis and Orchard executives, suggest overt trimming of marketing budgets is not prevalent – yet. But there is no doubt significant scrutiny is going into every dollar spent to maximise efficiency, productivity and commercial value across the funnel. Responsible marketing is the name of the game, and demonstrating impact – ideally immediately – is imperative.

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Telstra cuts up to 2800 jobs amidst sweeping structural changes

Telstra has confirmed that up to 2,800 jobs may be on the chopping block as the telecommunications business looks to introduce a range of cost cutting measures that will see significant organisational changes to its direct workforce.

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Where partnerships get interesting: Crown, Initiative, Paramount cite commitment to ‘pie in the sky’ thinking as critical to realising MasterChef Alumni dining experience

Nine months into debuting a much-needed brand repositioning, Crown Melbourne has debuted a unique restaurant experience onsite manned by Alumni chefs of TV reality program, MasterChef. It’s a unique partnership all parties behind it say required skin in the game, trust and belief in possibility to realise. It’s seen thousands of consumers join the waitlist for leading chefs – and foodies coming back for second helpings.

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‘Focused on completely the wrong thing’: B2B marketing set for a ‘renaissance’ if marketers, sales teams decouple from individual lead ‘obsession’ to the buyer groups who influence a company purchase

In most B2B businesses lead generation, or individual qualified “lead gen” more accurately, is at the core of business marketing – certainly for the tech sector. The merits of focusing on groups of buyers influential in a large corporate purchase over an individual executive is not new, but what is has a veteran B2B marketing analyst warning that almost every sector in B2B is still “focused on completely the wrong thing”. And the required shift that Kerry Cunningham, a former Forrester Principal Analyst now at US-based 6Sense, says is needed from B2B marketers has the backing of the Global Head of Marketing at engineering giant ABB Process Industries, Jo Woo, who agrees “traditional lead metrics are outdated”. B2B marketers must ditch their “obsession with counting leads”, she says, just as sales teams too must rethink their approach. For Andrew Haussegger, CEO at specialist B2B agency Green Hat, part of the fix is to “free the content”. That is, stop putting content behind a gate in order to capture leads – because brands need to influence a much broader set of people much earlier. Here’s the conversation that puts the hard data on lead generation.  

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