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The new face of learning: micro-credentials and digital badges

We all accept that pursuing a career these days means a commitment to lifelong learning.  Often that’s about acquiring skills in short “bites” – perhaps in a half-day course because you want to learn a new technology to enhance your marketing practice. If you move into a new industry, you might do a course to… Continue reading The new face of learning: micro-credentials and digital badges

Fellow marketers, have you ever Googled “what is marketing”?

It’s a fascinating exercise, especially for those of us who have been in the industry for a while. There are Wikipedia articles and HubSpot blogs that make it clear that this is a profession that is difficult to nail down, that moves fast, and yet maintains fundamentals as it morphs.  I suppose that’s very much how I feel about… Continue reading Fellow marketers, have you ever Googled “what is marketing”?

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Member Spotlight: Jordan Pedley

My marketing journey started in a family manufacturing business, editing brochures and managing social media whilst studying Marketing and Management at Curtin University. As I grew my knowledge at University, I took on more responsibility in the marketing department. I was promoted through 4 marketing roles in 5 years. Then, I was promoted as a… Continue reading Member Spotlight: Jordan Pedley

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Sales and Marketing Workers Tax Return and Deduction Guide

Work-related expense deductions Do you know what you can and can’t claim during tax time? Lodging your tax return is easy with the ATO’s work-related expenses guide for sales and marketing workers.  When completing your tax return, you may be able to claim deductions for some work-related expenses.  To claim a work-related deduction:  you must have… Continue reading Sales and Marketing Workers Tax Return and Deduction Guide

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James Chin Moody awarded Honorary Life Membership

The co-founder and CEO of Sendle, James Chin Moody, has been awarded Honorary Life Member of the AMI. The AMI Board of Directors awards Honorary Life Member status to distinguished non-marketers that have made a discernible service to the profession of marketing, or an allied discipline, or a distinguished person whom the Board desires to… Continue reading James Chin Moody awarded Honorary Life Membership

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Member Spotlight: Neil Krikul

Why do you think professional development is important for marketers? Because we are in a field where everything is always evolving. It’s important to always make a progress in both professional and personal development. As Tony Robbins said, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying”. It is important that Marketers keep learning and adapt to the… Continue reading Member Spotlight: Neil Krikul

Despite what it may sometimes seem, not everyone is a marketer

When it comes to getting legal advice on a matter for your business, you’d get that advice from a Lawyer right? And what about strategic accounting advice? I’m hazarding a guess that you would trust that advice coming straight from a strategic accountant’s mouth. Personally, for anything people-related, I get expert advice from my HR… Continue reading Despite what it may sometimes seem, not everyone is a marketer

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Privacy versus personalisation: Apple wedges marketing, adland against the people, will it bite?

Apple is taking its privacy first pitch to the people – wedging much of marketing, Facebook and Google. And if iOS14.5 had everyone up in arms, iOS15 suggests Apple is only just starting its mission to disrupt user tracking, targeting and adtech’s status quo. But do users actually care about privacy? Most people sign away their rights for a free service, so where to from here? We asked the ACCC’s Rod Sims, UM’s Joshua Lowcock, ADMA’s Sarla Fernando, Pollinate’s Howard Parry-Husbands and the Consumer Policy Research Centre’s Lauren Solomon.

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The Crumb Gambit: How to Win the Post-Cookie Digital Chess Game in 3 Moves

Like it or not, as marketers we are all playing a game of digital chess. The ‘Walled Garden Masters’, who have been playing the game for quite some time, are all gearing themselves up to call check mate on smaller and less established players. Every move has a purpose. Domination is about being able to… Continue reading The Crumb Gambit: How to Win the Post-Cookie Digital Chess Game in 3 Moves

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Professional and Career Starter Memberships

At the AMI we are all about recognising professionalism and helping our members progress their careers in marketing. That’s why we have made an adjustment to two of our membership levels and post-nominals. Effective from 1 June 2021, Associate Member designation will change to  Professional Member designation. Professional  Members will be entitled to use the… Continue reading Professional and Career Starter Memberships